The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

Red circle Blue circle Green circle Yellow circle Purple circle
'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'AS / BS / Collab
Special cards icon Set cards icon Option cards icon

Others versions
Red cross
AmakusaSSh4 thum
Amakusa Shiro Tokisada
天草 四郎 時貞
SSh4 logo
Green circle
5stars mini
Def circle
Rank mini A
Main Link
Striker Link
HaohmaruSSh4 thum Attack power +7%
Skill cool time -1s
UkyoSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
RimururuSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
GenjuroSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
CharlotteSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
RimururuSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
HaohmaruSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
UkyoSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
GenjuroSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
CharlotteSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost, No Core, No Cards, No gallery and guild boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Leader's Skill (6☆)
[Amakusa Revenge Event] Attack power +20% for all allies, critical rate +9% and critical damage +50% (6☆)
Active Skill (Level Max)
AmakusaSSh4 ASkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 526% of ATK to an enemy. Deals Burn DMG equal to 20% ATK every 1s for 7s upon landing a skill.
AmakusaSSh4 ASkill2
Inflicts DMG equal to 524% of ATK to an enemy. Gains Super Armor for 3s when using a skill.
AmakusaSSh4 ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 570% of ATK to an enemy. Reflects 8% of DMG taken for 5 seconds.
Striker Skill (Level Max)
AthenaAS StSkill1
Active team members gain Super Armor for 5 seconds and recover 15% HP.
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
AmakusaSSh4 SpSkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 1201% of ATK to an enemy.
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Amakusa Ultimate Card art
Inflict DMG equal to 1893% of ATK to an enemy
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Buy it in the shop for 10000 coins during the Samurai Shodown Amakusa's Revenge event
Amakusa revenge event