The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
Blue circle Red circle Green circle Yellow circle Purple circle
'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'XV / 'AS / BS / SS / Collab
EX ico Special cards icon Set cards icon Option cards icon UE ico

Others versions
ElisabethAS thum
ElisabethXI thum
Elisabeth Branctorche
KOFXI logo2
Green circle
Fest logo
Def circle
Rank mini S
Main Link
Striker Link
Ash03 thum Increases ATK by 10%
Increases Penetration by 500
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
SaikiXIII thum Obtains 20% of Power at the start of the stage
Obtains 10% Power when using an Ultimate Move
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
ElisabethAS thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Increases ATK by 15% when HP is 30% or less
BJenetXI thum Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Decreases remaining cooldown of Ultimate Move by 2s when using Ultimate Move
Benimaru01 thum Increases Power Charge Rate by 10% when Power is 2 or less
Obtains 15% of Power at the start of the stage
Benimaru01 thum Increases Power Charge Rate by 10% when Power is 2 or less
Obtains 15% of Power at the start of the stage
Ash03 thum Increases ATK by 10%
Increases Penetration by 500
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
BJenetXI thum Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Decreases remaining cooldown of Ultimate Move by 2s when using Ultimate Move
SaikiXIII thum Obtains 20% of Power at the start of the stage
Obtains 10% Power when using an Ultimate Move
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
ElisabethAS thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Increases ATK by 15% when HP is 30% or less
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost/Core/Cards/Gallery/Guild/Awaken boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Core Effects
60% Freeze Duration Decrease
2.4% Critical Rate Increase
1050 ATK Increase
30% Stun Duration Decrease
Decreases Strike Skill DMG received by 8%
1520 DEF Increase
Deals additional DMG equal to 100% of ATK to all enemies upon landing a skill on a Shocked or Starlight target (Cooldown: 5s). Increases ATK equal to 35% of DEF and Critical Rate by 10% when HP is 50% or more
Becomes immune to Bleed and Poison when HP is 30% or more. Gains 10% Power during 20 or more Combos (Cooldown: 20s)
Increases Penetration by 700 when Ash is on the team
Team and Fighters Links
FL Female
FL Defense Type
TR france
FL queen
FL weapon master
Leader's Skill (6☆)
Increases Defense type Fighters'ATK by 45%, Power Charge Rate by 20%
Active Skill (Level Max)
ElisabethAS ASkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 775% of ATK to an enemy. Increases ATK by 45% of DEF for 7s when using a skill. Deals Starlight DMG equal to 32% of ATK every 1s for 7s to target upon landing a skill
ElisabethAS ASkill2
Inflicts DMG equal to 712% of ATK to an enemy. Decreases DMG received by 60% for 4s.
[PVP Exclusive] Disables the target's Roll for 4s when a successful skill (Guard included) ends
ElisabethXI ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 736% of ATK to an enemy. Gains Hyper Armor (Super Armor & DMG Immunity) for 3s. Deals Shock DMG equal to 32% of ATK to the target every 1s for 7 seconds upon landing a skill. Can be used while being attacked (Only while standing)
Awakened Skill
AwSkill icon
Inflicts DMG equal to 100% of ATK to an enemy. Increases ATK by 5%, DEF by 5% for 10s upon using skill.
[PVP only] Resets cooldowns for Active Skills, decreases cooldowns for Active Skills by 80% for 10s.
Striker Skill (Level Max)
AthenaAS StSkill1
Active team members gain Super Armor for 3 seconds and recover 7% HP
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
ElisabethAS SpSkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 1153% of ATK to an enemy
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Elisabeth Ultimate Card art
Inflicts DMG equal to 1852% of ATK to an enemy
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Fighters Summon Portal
Musical Theme

The King of Fighters All Star OST - Queen (Elisabeth KOFAS Theme edit)
