The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
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'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'XV / 'AS / BS / SS / Collab
EX ico Special cards icon Set cards icon Option cards icon UE ico

Others versions
Red cross
Elizabeth Gintama thum
Gintama logo
Red circle
Fest logo
Tec circle
Rank mini S
Main Link
Striker Link
Terry96 thum Increases Movement SPD by 7%
Increases Critical damage by 12%
Big96 thum Increases Movement SPD by 7%
Decreases remaining cooldowns of Active Skills by 0.5s upon landing an Active Skill on a stunned enemy
Mai98 thum Increases Movement SPD by 7%
Increases Burn DMG by 10%
Omega Rugal98 thum Increases ATK SPD by 7%
Increases ATK equal to 20% DEF if HP is 30% or less
Increases Movement SPD by 5%
Orochi97 thum Increases ATK SPD by 7%
Increases ATK by 10%
Increases Movement SPD by 5%
ElisabethAS thum Increases Penetration by 25
Decreases Chill DMG received by 10%
Increases Movement SPD by 5%
Katsura Gintama thum Increases DEF by 5%
Decreases DMG received from enemies by 5%
Increases Movement SPD by 5%
Katsura Gintama thum Increases DEF by 5%
Decreases DMG received from enemies by 5%
Increases Movement SPD by 5%
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost/Core/Cards/Gallery/Guild/Awaken boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Core Effects
12% Strike Skill Attack DMG Increase
630 ATK Increase
320 Penetration Increase
Decreases Burn DMG received by 15%
20% Burn Attack Increase
1520 DEF Increase
Recovers 2% of HP upon landing an Active Skill
Increases ATK by 5% for each attack (Stacks up to 4)
Buffs Make the Game!: 10% chance to gain 20% Power upon landing a skill when HP is 50% or more (Cooldown:12s). 10% chance to deal additional DMG equal to 400% of ATK to all enemies upon landing a skill when HP is 49% or less (Cooldown: 12s)
Team and Fighters Links
FL Gintama
FL Balance Type
FL nationality unknown
FL all star
Red cross
Red cross
Leader's Skill (6☆)
Increases all Fighters'ATK, DEF, HP and Penetration by 15%
Active Skill (Level Max)
Elizabeth Gintama ASkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 770% of ATK to an enemy. Gains Super Armor for 3s when using a skill. Decreases DMG received by 70% for 4s
Elizabeth Gintama ASkill2
Inflicts DMG equal to 637% of ATK to an enemy. Stuns the target for 1.5s upon landing a skill (Guard included)
Elizabeth Gintama ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 614% of ATK to an enemy. Deals Burn DMG equal to 28% ATK every 1s for 7s upon landing a skill
Awakened Skill
AwSkill icon
Inflicts DMG equal to 100% of ATK to an enemy. Increases ATK by 5%, DEF by 5% for 10s upon using skill.
[PVP only] Resets cooldowns for Active Skills, decreases cooldowns for Active Skills by 80% for 10s.
Striker Skill (Level Max)
AthenaAS StSkill1
Active team members gain Super Armor for 3 seconds and recover 7% HP
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
Elizabeth Gintama SpSkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 1138% of ATK to an enemy
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Elizabeth Ultimate Card1 art
Inflicts DMG equal to 1787% of ATK to an enemy
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Offert during the Gintama Collaboration event
Gintama collab2
Musical Theme

The King of Fighters All Star OST - 2 Friends (Kotarou Katsura and Elizabeth Theme)
