The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

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'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'AS / BS / Collab
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Food Characters
Food001 Athena94 thum Athena95 thum Athena96 thum Athena97 thum Athena98 thum Athena99 thum Athena00 thum AthenaAS thum AthenaAS2 thum MaximaAS thum
Food002 Chizuru96 thum Chizuru97 thum ChizuruAS thum ChizuruAS2 thum ChizuruAS3 thum Kim94 thum Kim95 thum Kim96 thum Kim97 thum Kim98 thum KimAS2 thum Maylee01 thum MayleeAS thum
Food003 Terry94 thum Terry95 thum Terry96 thum Terry97 thum Terry03 thum Yashiro97 thum Yashiro98 thum YashiroAS thum YashiroAS3 thum YashiroAS2 thum Chizuru96 thum Chizuru97 thum ChizuruAS thum ChizuruAS2 thum ChizuruAS3 thum
Food004 Mai94 thum Mai95 thum Mai96 thum Mai97 thum Mai98 thum MaiAS thum MaiAS2 thum Ryo94 thum Ryo95 thum Ryo96 thum Ryo97 thum Ryo98 thum RyoXIV thum Big96 thum BigAS thum Mr KarateXIII thum
Food005 Kensou94 thum Kensou95 thum Kensou96 thum Kensou97 thum Kensou99 thum Xiangfei99 thum XiangfeiAS thum
Food006 Mary97 thum MaryAS2 thum MaryAS thum MaryAS3 thum MaryAS4 thum Geese96 thum GeeseXIV thum GeeseAS thum GeeseAS2 thum Krauser96 thum Yamazaki97 thum YamazakiAS thum Mukai03 thum BJenetXI thum BJenetAS thum
Food007 Mary97 thum MaryAS2 thum MaryAS thum MaryAS3 thum MaryAS4 thum Geese96 thum GeeseXIV thum GeeseAS thum GeeseAS2 thum K99 thum KXIII thum KAS thum Iori95 thum Iori96 thum Iori97 thum Iori98 thum IoriXIII thum IoriAS thum BJenetXI thum BJenetAS thum
Food008 Geese96 thum GeeseXIV thum GeeseAS thum GeeseAS2 thum Angel01 thum AngelAS thum AngelAS2 thum Ramon00 thum Big96 thum BigAS thum
Food009 Mature96 thum Mature98 thum Mature12 thum MatureAS thum MatureAS2 thum Iori95 thum Iori96 thum Iori97 thum Iori98 thum IoriXIII thum IoriAS thum Sylvie14 thum SylvieAS thum
Food010 Yuri94 thum Yuri95 thum Yuri96 thum Yuri97 thum Yuri98 thum YuriAS thum YuriAS2 thum YuriAS3 thum Saisyu95 thum SaisyuAS thum
Food011 Kyo94 thum Kyo95 thum Kyo96 thum Kyo97 thum Kyo98 thum KyoXIII Nest thum Shermie97 thum Shermie98 thum ShermieAS thum ShermieAS2 thum
Food012 Robert94 thum Robert95 thum Robert96 thum Robert97 thum Robert98 thum Shingo97 thum Shingo98 thum ShingoAS thum Big96 thum BigAS thum Zero Clone00 thum Zero Clone PrettyAS thum
Food013 Shingo97 thum Shingo98 thum ShingoAS thum Kula00 thum KulaAS thum KulaAS2 thum KulaAS3 thum Ash03 thum HotaruXI thum
Food014 King94 thum King95 thum King96 thum King97 thum King98 thum KingAS thum Rugal94 thum Omega Rugal98 thum Omega RugalBS thum RugalAS thum ElisabethXI thum ElisabethAS thum Adelheid03 thum
Food015 Takuma94 thum Takuma95 thum Takuma98 thum Daimon94 thum Daimon95 thum Daimon96 thum Daimon97 thum DaimonAS thum Big96 thum BigAS thum
Food016 Yuri94 thum Yuri95 thum Yuri96 thum Yuri97 thum Yuri98 thum YuriAS thum YuriAS2 thum YuriAS3 thum Whip99 thum WhipAS thum Bao99 thum
Food017 Yuri94 thum Yuri95 thum Yuri96 thum Yuri97 thum Yuri98 thum YuriAS thum YuriAS2 thum YuriAS3 thum Vice96 thum Vice98 thum Vice02 thum ViceAS thum ViceAS2 thum
Food018 Andy94 thum Andy95 thum Andy96 thum Andy97 thum Andy98 thum Andy01 thum AndyAS thum Kasumi96 thum Kasumi00 thum KasumiAS thum KasumiAS2 thum Benimaru94 thum Benimaru95 thum Benimaru96 thum Benimaru97 thum Benimaru99 thum Benimaru01 thum
Food019 Kagura Gintama thum
Food020 Sougo Gintama thum
Food021 Isao Gintama thum
Food022 Toushirou Gintama thum
Food023 Shinsuka Gintama thum
Food024 Gintoki Gintama thum Gintoki Gintama2 thum
Food025 Kula00 thum KulaAS thum KulaAS2 thum KulaAS3 thum MaximaAS thum
Food026 Shermie97 thum Shermie98 thum ShermieAS thum ShermieAS2 thum
Food027 Shermie97 thum Shermie98 thum ShermieAS thum ShermieAS2 thum Choi94 thum Choi95 thum Choi96 thum Choi97 thum ChoiAS thum
Food028 Yamazaki97 thum YamazakiAS thum Chris97 thum Chris98 thum ChrisAS2 thum
Food029 Eiji95 thum
Food030 Heirden94 thum Heirden95 thum Heirden98 thum HeirdenAS thum Vanessa00 thum VanessaAS thum VanessaAS2 thum
Food031 Lucky94 thum Lucky98 thum
Food032 Leona96 thum Leona97 thum LeonaXII thum LeonaAS thum HeavyD94 thum HeavyD98 thum Seth00 thum
Food033 Brian94 thum Brian98 thum BrianAS thum Kasumi96 thum Kasumi00 thum KasumiAS thum KasumiAS2 thum
Food034 Goenitz96 thum GoenitzAS thum Leona96 thum Leona97 thum LeonaXII thum LeonaAS thum Jhun99 thum
Food035 Krizalid99 thum Sylvie14 thum SylvieAS thum
Food036 Chris97 thum Chris98 thum ChrisAS2 thum Billy95 thum Billy97 thum BillyAS thum BillyAS2 thum
Food037 Joe94 thum Joe95 thum Joe96 thum Joe97 thum JoeAS thum ShionXI thum
Food039 Chang94 thum Chang95 thum Chang96 thum Chang97 thum ChangAS thum ChangAS2 thum Sylvie14 thum SylvieAS thum Rock14 thum
Food040 Chin94 thum Chin95 thum Chin96 thum Chin97 thum Chin99 thum ShionXI thum
Food041 Clark94 thum Clark95 thum Clark96 thum Clark97 thum ClarkAS thum
Food042 Ralf94 thum Ralf95 thum Ralf96 thum Ralf97 thum RalfAS thum
Food044 HaohmaruSSh4 thum
Food045 UkyoSSh4 thum
Food046 AmakusaSSh4 thum
Food047 CharlotteSSh4 thum
Food048 GenjuroSSh4 thum
Food049 RimururuSSh4 thum
Food050 HaohmaruSSh4 thum UkyoSSh4 thum AmakusaSSh4 thum CharlotteSSh4 thum GenjuroSSh4 thum RimururuSSh4 thum
Food054 Ignitz01 thum
Food055 JinKazama1Tek7 thum JinKazama2Tek7 thum
Food056 HeihachiMishimaTek7 thum
Food057 ArmorKingTek7 thum
Food058 KazuyaMishimaTek7 thum
Food059 PaulPhoenixTek7 thum
Food060 LingXiaoyu1Tek7 thum LingXiaoyu2Tek7 thum
Food062 Nameless02 thum AliceXIV thum AliceAS thum AliceAS2 thum Seth00 thum
Food065 TheRockWWE1 thum TheRockWWE2 thum
Food066 KofiKingstonWWE thum
Food067 BeckyLynchWWE thum
Food068 SethRollinsWWE thum
Food069 JohnCenaWWE thum JohnCenaWWE2 thum
Food070 UndertakerWWE thum
Food072 Kamui Gintama thum
Food073 Katsura Gintama thum
Food074 Elizabeth Gintama thum
Food075 Mukai03 thum ShionXI thum
Food076 Rachel 7K thum
Food077 Rudy 7K thum
Food078 Shane 7K thum
Food079 Eileene 7K thum
Food080 Dellons 7K thum
Food081 Kamui Gintama thum Rudy 7K thum Shane 7K thum Eileene 7K thum Dellons 7K thum