The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

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Others versions
Red cross
HaohmaruSSh4 thum
SSh4 logo
Red circle
5stars mini
Att circle
Rank mini A
Main Link
Striker Link
RimururuSSh4 thum Get 1% of maximum power gauge every second
HP +2% when defeating an ennemy
AmakusaSSh4 thum HP +10%
Attack power +5%
GenjuroSSh4 thum Critical rate +3%
Critical damage +9%
UkyoSSh4 thum Critical rate +3%
Critical damage +9%
CharlotteSSh4 thum Power gauge +20% at start stage
Skill cool time -0.5s
AmakusaSSh4 thum Attack power +7%
Skill cool time -1s
RimururuSSh4 thum Get 1% of maximum power gauge every second
HP +2% when defeating an ennemy
UkyoSSh4 thum Critical rate +3%
Critical damage +9%
GenjuroSSh4 thum Critical rate +3%
Critical damage +9%
CharlotteSSh4 thum Power gauge acquisition +10%
Skill cool time -0.5s
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost, No Core, No Cards, No gallery and guild boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Leader's Skill (6☆)
[Amakusa Revenge Event] Attack power +55% for all allies (6☆)
Active Skill (Level Max)
HaohmaruSSh4 ASkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 733% of ATK to an enemy. Increases ATK by 28% for 5 seconds. Gains Hyper Armor (Super Armor and Damage Immunity) for 3s.
HaohmaruSSh4 ASkill2
Inflicts DMG equal to 614% of ATK to an enemy. [PVP only] Target cannot activate buffs from Active Skills for 3s upon landing a skill.
HaohmaruSSh4 ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 637% of ATK to an enemy. Applies Bloodshed to target for 6s upon a successful attack. (Deals Bleed DMG equal to 30% of ATK every 1s, decreases HP Recovery by 80%)
Striker Skill (Level Max)
HaohmaruSSh4 ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 318% of ATK to an enemy. Deals additional Bleed damage equal to 30% of ATK.
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
HaohmaruSSh4 SpSkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 1211% of ATK to an enemy.
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Haohmaru Ultimate Card art
Inflict DMG equal to 1918% of ATK to an enemy
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Fighters Summon Portal during the Samurai Shodown Amakusa's Revenge event
Amakusa revenge event