The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

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'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'AS / BS / Collab
Special cards icon Set cards icon Option cards icon

Others versions
JohnCenaWWE2 thum
JohnCenaWWE thum
John Cena
WWE logo
Purple circle
Fest logo
Tec circle
Rank mini S
Main Link
Striker Link
TheRockWWE1 thum Increases ATK by 10% if HP is 70% or more
Increases Critical Rate by 5% if HP is 70% or more
UndertakerWWE thum Increases ATK equal to 10% of DEF
Increases Power Charge Rate by 12%
SethRollinsWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
KofiKingstonWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
BeckyLynchWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
JohnCenaWWE2 thum Increases HP by 5%
Increases DEF by 5%
Increases Power by 1% every 1 second
TheRockWWE1 thum Increases ATK by 10% if HP is 70% or more
Increases Critical Rate by 5% if HP is 70% or more
UndertakerWWE thum Increases ATK equal to 10% of DEF
Increases Power Charge Rate by 12%
SethRollinsWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
KofiKingstonWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
BeckyLynchWWE thum Decreases Skill cooldowns by 1 second
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
JohnCenaWWE2 thum Increases HP by 5%
Increases DEF by 5%
Increases Power by 1% every 1 second
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost/Core/Cards/Gallery/Guild/Awaken boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Core Effects
12% Grab Skill Attack DMG Increase
630 ATK Increase
10500 Max HP Increase
30% Stun Duration Decrease
20% Bleed DMG Decrease
1520 DEF Increase
Becomes immune to [Poison, Shock] when HP is 30% or more.
[PVP only]Gains 3% Power when attacked by an enemy with [Super Armor or Hyper Armor] (Cooldown: 1s)
If HP is 49% or less, decreases DMG received by 50% and 50% chance to Stun the attacker for 1.5s when attacked (Cooldown: 20s)
[PVP only]<Wrestlemania: if HP is 50% or less, ignores the target's Super Armor upon landing an Active Skill (Cooldown: 25s), increases ATK by 30%>
Team and Fighters Links
FL Male
FL Balance Type
FL all star
TR america team
Red cross
Leader's Skill (6☆)
[WWE] Increases Superstars'ATK by 55%
Active Skill (Level Max)
JohnCenaWWE1 ASkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 739% of ATK to an enemy. Increases ATK by 35% of DEF for 7s when using a skill. [PVP only] Disables target's Grab Active Skills for 3s when a successful skill (Guard included) ends
JohnCenaWWE1 ASkill2
Inflicts DMG equal to 612% of ATK to an enemy. Gains Hyper Armor (Super Armor & DMG immunity) for 3s. Can be used while being attacked. (Only while standing)
JohnCenaWWE1 ASkill3
Inflicts DMG equal to 620% of ATK to an enemy. Decreases target's DEF by 3% for 7s upon a successful skill (including Guard)
Awakened Skill
AwSkill icon
Striker Skill (Level Max)
AthenaAS StSkill1
Active team members gain Super Armor for 2 seconds and recover 10% HP
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
JohnCenaWWE1 SpSkill1
Inflicts DMG equal to 1119% of ATK to an enemy.
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
JohnCena Ultimate Card art
Inflicts DMG equal to 1773% of ATK to an enemy.
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Fighters Summon Portal during the KOFAS X WWE event (Gacha)
WWE collab
Musical Theme

The King of Fighters All Star OST The Time is Now (John Cena Theme)
