The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
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'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'XV / 'AS / BS / SS / Collab
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6 Stars
Light and shadow type1 ico Light and shadow type2 ico Light and shadow type3 ico Darkness and nature type1 ico Darkness and nature type2 ico Darkness and nature type3 ico Real intention between 0 and 1 type1 ico Real intention between 0 and 1 type2 ico Real intention between 0 and 1 type3 ico
Checkmate type1 ico Checkmate type2 ico Checkmate type3 ico Probability of fun type1 ico Probability of fun type2 ico Probability of fun type3 ico Just one day of happiness type1 ico Just one day of happiness type2 ico Just one day of happiness type3 ico
An unidentified observer type1 ico An unidentified observer type2 ico An unidentified observer type3 ico With courage once more type1 ico With courage once more type2 ico With courage once more type3 ico Part-timer of promise type1 ico Part-timer of promise type2 ico Part-timer of promise type3 ico
Raging fatal attacks type1 ico Raging fatal attacks type2 ico Raging fatal attacks type3 ico Impenetrable defense type1 ico Impenetrable defense type2 ico Impenetrable defense type3 ico Balance of everything type1 ico Balance of everything type2 ico Balance of everything type3 ico
Transcendental being type1 ico Transcendental being type2 ico Transcendental being type3 ico

5 Stars (GLOBAL)
Best favorite Type1 ico Best favorite Type2 ico Best favorite Type3 ico Brother training type1 ico Brother training type2 ico Brother training type3 ico Unchangeable allegiance type1 ico Unchangeable allegiance type2 ico Unchangeable allegiance type3 ico
Vengeance type1 ico Vengeance type2 ico Vengeance type3 ico Princess of thunder type1 ico Princess of thunder type2 ico Princess of thunder type3 ico Beginning type1 ico Beginning type2 ico Beginning type3 ico
Real in the mirror type1 ico Real in the mirror type2 ico Real in the mirror type3 ico Kula vacation type1 ico Kula vacation type2 ico Kula vacation type3 ico Two girls rendezvous type1 ico Two girls rendezvous type2 ico Two girls rendezvous type3 ico
Funny Tea Party type1 ico Funny Tea Party type2 ico Funny Tea Party type3 ico NESTS type1 ico NESTS type2 ico NESTS type3 ico Examination time type1 ico Examination time type2 ico Examination time type3 ico
Rest in peace type1 ico Rest in peace type2 ico Rest in peace type3 ico Strong enemy type1 ico Strong enemy type2 ico Strong enemy type3 ico Christmas Gift Delivery Mission type1 ico Christmas Gift Delivery Mission type2 ico Christmas Gift Delivery Mission type3 ico
Valentine divas type1 ico Valentine divas type2 ico Valentine divas type3 ico Victory party type1 ico Victory party type2 ico Victory party type3 ico Gintama collaboration Type1 ico Gintama collaboration Type2 ico Gintama collaboration Type3 ico
I brought more for the occasion type1 ico I brought more for the occasion type2 ico I brought more for the occasion type3 ico Eyecatcher type1 ico Eyecatcher type2 ico Eyecatcher type3 ico Extreme effort type1 ico Extreme effort type2 ico Extreme effort type3 ico
Who the unwelcome guest type1 ico Who the unwelcome guest type2 ico Who the unwelcome guest type3 ico Knights of asgard type1 ico Knights of asgard type2 ico Knights of asgard type3 ico The story goes on type1 ico The story goes on type2 ico The story goes on type3 ico
Who is the cutest type1 ico Who is the cutest type2 ico Who is the cutest type3 ico
5 Stars (JAPAN)
K vacation type1 ico K vacation type2 ico K vacation type3 ico 1stAnniversary type1 ico 1stAnniversary type2 ico 1stAnniversary type3 ico Enthusiastic fans type1 ico Enthusiastic fans type2 ico Enthusiastic fans type3 ico
5 Stars CREST
Rough symbol of blood HP type1 ico Rough symbol of blood HP type2 ico Rough symbol of blood HP type3 ico Rough symbol of blood DEF type1 ico Rough symbol of blood DEF type2 ico Rough symbol of blood DEF type3 ico Fair symbol of fire HP type1 ico Fair symbol of fire HP type2 ico Fair symbol of fire HP type3 ico
Fair symbol of fire DEF type1 ico Fair symbol of fire DEF type2 ico Fair symbol of fire DEF type3 ico

4 Stars
Victory pose type1 ico Victory pose type2 ico Victory pose type3 ico Concert type1 ico Concert type2 ico Concert type3 ico Legendary knowledge type1 ico Legendary knowledge type2 ico Legendary knowledge type3 ico
The Fight type1 ico The Fight type2 ico The Fight type3 ico Hard daily routine type1 ico Hard daily routine type2 ico Hard daily routine type3 ico Precious holiday second type1 ico Precious holiday second type2 ico Precious holiday second type3 ico
Old friend type1 ico Old friend type2 ico Old friend type3 ico Recommendation of hobbies type1 ico Recommendation of hobbies type2 ico Recommendation of hobbies type3 ico Meat Buns Championship type1 ico Meat Buns Championship type2 ico Meat Buns Championship type3 ico
Longing type1 ico Longing type2 ico Longing type3 ico

3 Stars
Dangerous party type1 ico Dangerous party type2 ico Dangerous party type3 ico Mental discipline type1 ico Mental discipline type2 ico Mental discipline type3 ico Duality type1 ico Duality type2 ico Duality type3 ico
Way of learning type1 ico Way of learning type2 ico Way of learning type3 ico Training practice type1 ico Training practice type2 ico Training practice type3 ico Pious attitude type1 ico Pious attitude type2 ico Pious attitude type3 ico
