The King of Fighters All Star Wiki
The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

Red circle Blue circle Green circle Yellow circle Purple circle
'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'AS / BS / Collab
Special cards icon Set cards icon Option cards icon

Others versions
Red cross
Shinsuka Gintama thum
Shinsuke Takasugi
Gintama logo
Purple circle
5stars mini
Att circle
Rank mini A
Main Link
Striker Link
Toushirou Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Gintoki Gintama thum Damage to ennemies +5%
Damage received -3%
Isao Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Sougo Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Gintoki Gintama2 thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Recovers HP by 2% when killing an enemy
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Kamui Gintama thum Increases ATK equal to 15% of DEF
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 0.5 second
Katsura Gintama thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Recovers HP by 2% when killing an enemy
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Toushirou Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Gintoki Gintama thum When HP > 70%, Attack power +10%
When defeating an ennemy, HP+XX%
Isao Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Sougo Gintama thum Penetration +10%
Attack power +3%
Gintoki Gintama2 thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Recovers HP by 2% when killing an enemy
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Kamui Gintama thum Increases ATK equal to 15% of DEF
Decreases Skill cooldowns by 0.5 second
Katsura Gintama thum Increases ATK by 15% if HP is 70% or more
Recovers HP by 2% when killing an enemy
Obtains Power by 3% when killing an enemy
Stats Max (Lv.90)
(No Boost, No Core, No Cards, No gallery and guild boost)
Offensive Power
Defense Power
Leader's Skill (6☆)
HP +25% for purple allies and penetration +25% (6☆)
Active Skill (Level Max)
Shinsuke Gintama ASkill1
Deals 512% of damage to the enemy
Shinsuke Gintama ASkill2
Deals 504% of damage to the enemy
Shinsuke Gintama ASkill3
Deals 506% of damage to the enemy and damage +15% if ennemy's HP < 50%
Striker Skill (Level Max)
AthenaAS StSkill1
Attack and defense -9.6% for ennemies during 7 seconds
Finisher Skill (Level Max)
Shinsuke Gintama SpSkill1
Deals 983% of damage to the enemy
5☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Shinsuke Ultimate Card art
Inflicts DMG equal to 2290% of ATK to an enemy
Red cross
Red cross
6☆ Special Card(s) (Level Max)
Red cross
Red cross
Fighters Summon Portal during the Gintama Collaboration event
Gintama collab