<tabber> Chapter 1 =
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Use ACTIVE SKILL 1 time(s)
Lv.1 Johnny
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max combo 10 or more - Clear with 30 or less hits
Lv. 2 Reaper
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with 30 or less hits - Use ACTIVE SKILL 1 time(s)
Lv. 2 Yohei
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Max combo 10 or more
Lv. 3 Popo
Lv. 3 Pupu
Lv. 4 Mr. Kang
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Clear after Using Tag
Lv.4 Thumper
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max combo 10 or more - Use ACTIVE SKILL 1 time(s)
Lv. 5 Kogu
- Max combo 10 or more - Clear with 30 or less hits - Clear with all Fighters Alive
Lv. 5 Athena Asamiya
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Max combo 15 or more
Lv. 6 Roy
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max combo 15 or more - Use ACTIVE SKILL 2 time(s)
Lv. 6 Mr. Kang
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with 25 or less hits - Clear after Using Tag
Lv. 7 Mighty
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Use a Supporter in Battle
Lv.7 Katsuya Yonamine File:Boss23.png
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max combo 15 or more - Clear after Using Tag
Lv. 7 Bachi File:Boss36.png
- Max combo 15 or more - Max combo 10 or more - Clear with 25 or less Hits
Lv. 8 Mai Shiranui
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Use ACTIVE SKILL 2 time(s)
Lv. 8 Yohei
Lv. 8 Gai Sutahashira File:Boss37.png
- Max Combo 15 or more - Clear with 25 or less hits - Use a Supporter in Battle
Lv. 8 Benimaru Nikaido
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Clear with 30 or less Hits
Lv. 8 Alexander
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max Combo 15 or more - Use a Supporter in Battle
Lv. 8 Greg
- Max combo 10 or more - Clear with 25 or less hits - Use ACTIVE SKILL 2 time(s)
Lv. 9 Mighty
- Clear with 25 or less Hits - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Clear after Using Tag
Lv. 9 Heidern
- Clear within 180 seconds - Max Combo 15 or more - Use a Supporter in Battle
Lv. 9 Alexander
- Clear within 180 seconds - Clear with 25 or less Hits - Use ACTIVE SKILL 1 time(s)
Lv. 10 Bronze Kyo File:Boss38.png
- Clear with 25 or less Hits - Clear with all Fighters Alive - Defeat a Boss Monster with PURPLE ELEMENT
Lv. 11 Rugal Bernstein