The King of Fighters All Star Wiki

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'94 / '95 / '96 / '97 / '98 / '99 / '00 / '01 / '02 / '03 / 'XI / 'XII / 'XIII / 'XIV / 'AS / BS / Collab
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Yellow circle

Thum Eng Name Leader Skill Type
ChangAS2 thum Pretty Chang Kohean (KOFAS) [Woman] Fighters Attack power +60%, HP -10% (6☆) Def circle
Kamui Gintama thum Kamui (Gintama) Increases Yellow element Fighters' ATK by 50% Tec circle
Orochi Chris97 thum Orochi Chris (KOF97) Attack power for yellow allies +30%, HP +15%, critical rate +4% (6☆) Tec circle
Orochi Iori97 thum Orochi Iori (KOF97) Attack +60% and Defense -10% for Attack type fighter (6☆) Att circle
Rudy 7K thum Rudy (Seven Knights) Increases Yellow element Fighters'ATK by 55% Def circle
SaikiXIII thum Saiki (KOFXIII) Increases Yellow element Fighters'Active Skill DMG by 60%, decreases tag cooldowns by 2s Def circle
ShionXI thum Shion (KOFXI) Increases Yellow element Fighters' ATK by 45% and Power Charge Rate by 20% Att circle
Terry03 thum Terry Bogard (KOF03) Increases Yellow element Fighters'ATK by 45% and DEF by 7% Tec circle
UndertakerWWE thum The Undertaker (WWE) Increases [WWE] Superstar's ATK by 30%, DEF by 25% Def circle
Zero PrettyAS thum Pretty Zero (Original) (KOFAS) Increases [Nest] fighters's ATK by 40%, increases Power Charge Rate by 20% Att circle

Thum Eng Name Leader Skill Type
Andy96 thum Andy Bogard (KOF96) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, critical damage +65% (6☆) Tec circle
AndyAS thum New Year Andy Bogard (KOFAS) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, damage received -20% (6☆) Att circle
AngelAS thum Halloween Party Angel (KOFAS) Increases [Halloween] Fighters'ATK by 20%, Critical Rate by 9%, Critical DMG by 50% Tec circle
Athena94 thum Athena Asamiya (KOF94) Increases Yellow element Fighter's HP by 25% and the Active Skill DMG by 35% Tec circle
Athena97 thum Athena Asamiya (KOF97) Critical rate +9% for yellow allies, Active skill damage +25% (5☆) Def circle
Benimaru99 thum Benimaru Nikaido (KOF99) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, power gauge acquisition +20%, HP+20% (6☆) Att circle
Big96 thum Mr Big (KOF96) Damage received -30% (6☆) Tec circle
Brian98 thum Brian Battler (KOF98) Attack power +10% for Yellow allies, HP +30% (5☆) Def circle
CharlotteSSh4 thum Charlotte Christine de Colde (Samurai Shodown 4) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, damage received from purple ennemies -25% (6☆) Tec circle
Chin99 thum Chin Gentsai (KOF99) Attack power +20% for technology type, HP +10%. Damage down when guarding (5☆) Tec circle
Chizuru96 thum Chizuru Kagura (KOF96) Attack Power +25% for all Yellow allies, damage received -20% (6☆) Def circle
ChizuruAS thum Hidden Wrath Chizuru (KOFAS) Increases ATK of all Fighters by 20%. Increases Ultimate Move DMG of all Fighters by 25%. Tec circle
Chris98 thum Chris (KOF98) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, Critical rate +11% (6☆) Def circle
JohnCenaWWE2 thum Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena (WWE) Increases Attack Type Fighters'ATK by 45%, Power Charge Rate by 20% Att circle
HinakoAS thum Sakura Festival Hinako (KOFAS) Attack power +60% for technology type and defense -10% (6☆) Tec circle
KasumiAS2 thum Silent Night Kasumi (KOFAS) [Women] Increases ATK by 60% when HP is 70% or more Att circle
KazuyaMishimaTek7 thum Kazuya Mishima (Tekken 7) Increases Tekken Fighters'ATK by 55% Tec circle
Kensou94 thum Kensou Sie (KOF94) Increases Yellow element Fighters'HP by 50% Def circle
King97 thum King (KOF97) Attack power +50% for yellow allies (6☆) Att circle
LeonaAS thum Christmas Leona (KOFAS) Attack power +10% for Technology Type, Defense +10%, Critical rate +50% (6☆) Tec circle
LingXiaoyu1Tek7 thum Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken 7) Increases ATK by 45% for Yellow allies, Increases movement speed by 5% Att circle
MaiAS2 thum Akogareno Swimwear Mai Shiranui (KOFAS) Attack power +15% for all allies, [Burn] damage -15% (5☆) Tec circle
Maxima99 thum Maxima (KOF99) When HP > 60%, attack +55% for yellow allies and when < 60%, critical rate +11% (6☆) Att circle
Maylee01 thum May Lee Jinju (KOF01) Attack power +50% for yellow allies Att circle
Ramon00 thum Ramon (KOF00) Critical rate +11% for yellow allies, critical damage +65% Tec circle
SethRollinsWWE thum Seth Rollins (WWE) Increases Balance Type Fighters'ATK by 30%, decreases DMG received by 20% Tec circle
ShermieAS2 thum Baseball Shermie (KOFAS) Increases Defense type Fighters'ATK by 40%, increases Power Charge Rate by 20% Def circle
Sougo Gintama thum Sougo Okita (Gintama) Attack power +25% for Yellow allies and critical rate +11% (6☆) Att circle
Takuma98 thum Takuma Sakazaki (KOF98) [Art of Fighting Team] HP +25% and damage by Skill +35% (6☆) Att circle
Terry96 thum Terry Bogard (KOF96) HP +25% for Attack Type and damage skill +35% (6☆) Att circle
UkyoSSh4 thum Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown 4) Attack power +25% for yellow allies, HP +25% (6☆) Tec circle
Vice96 thum Vice (KOF96) HP and defense +20% for attack type (6☆) Att circle
Yashiro98 thum Yashiro Nanakase (KOF98) Active skill damage +60% and critical damage received -4% (6☆) Tec circle

Thum Eng Name Leader Skill Type
Athena95 thum Athena Asamiya (KOF95) Decreases Yellow element Fighter's DMG taken by 40% Tec circle
Benimaru95 thum Benimaru Nikaido (KOF95) Increases Yellow element Fighters'ATK by 25% and Basic Attack DMG by 35% Att circle
Billy95 thum Billy Kane (KOF95) Increases Yellow element Fighters'DEF by 50% Def circle
Choi96 thum Choi Bounge (KOF96) Normal attack damage +50% for yellow allies (5☆) Tec circle
Iori97 thum Iori Yagami (KOF97) HP +25% for attack type, critical damage +50% (6☆) Att circle
Joe96 thum Joe Higashi (KOF96) HP +15% for all allies and active skill cool time -0.5s (5☆) Tec circle
Kensou95 thum Kensou Sie (KOF95) Increases all Fighters'Ultimate Move DMG by 50% Def circle
Kim98 thum Kim Kaphwan (KOF98) Critical rate +11% and critical damage +65% for yellow allies (6☆) Att circle
YuriAS thum Softball Yuri (KOFAS) Attack power +15% every 10 combo (max 3 times) (6☆) Att circle

Thum Eng Name Leader Skill Type
Chin95 thum Chin Gentsai (KOF95) Increases the Critical Rate of all Fighters'Active Skills by 25% Att circle
Choi95 thum Choi Bounge (KOF95) Increases Attack type Fighters'ATK by 25%, and DEF by 25% Att circle
HeavyD94 thum Heavy D (KOF94) Increases Critical Rate of all Fighters by 17% Att circle
Lucky94 thum Lucky Glauber (KOF94) Obtains 3% additional Power when attacking Purple elements Tec circle
Ralf95 thum Ralf Jones (KOF95) Increases Critical Rate by 21% when attacking Purple elements Att circle
Ryo94 thum Ryo Sakazaki (KOF94) Increases Yellow element Fighters' ATK and DEF by 25% Def circle
